
Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus

Mathematics is a subject which makes a student more imaginative and creative. It motivates the brain and develops to think rationally. Maths uplifts the interest in students and promotes innovativeness and equips students with talent and ability which they require in their life other than the basic education. Here we will discuss about the MATHEMATICS CLASS 7.

The CBSE syllabus of class7 maths is as follows:

  • Integers: This chapter includes the basic introduction and the additive identity of integers as well as the addition, subtraction and multiplication of +ve and -ve integers and division of integers with their respective properties.
  • Fractions & Decimals: It includes topics like multiplication, division of fractions by whole no. and by a fraction. The concept of decimals is also included in the same chapter which contains multiplication and division of decimal no.s.
  • Data Handling: It introduces to the collection and organization of data and Mean, median and mode. It also includes the topic of bar graphs and its uses.
  • Simple Equations: This chapter explains the equations and how to form a equation. Then how to solve an equation, uses of equation in practical world. It also teaches how to form equation from the given solution.
  • Lines & Angles: It includes the type of angles, complementary and supplementary angles, vertically opposite angles and adjacent angles, linear pairs. It also includes the topic on lines i.e., intersecting, transversal and parallel lines.
  • Triangles & it’s Properties: This whole topic evolves around triangle. It includes median and altitude of a triangle. The various properties of triangle like exterior angle, sum of angle property, Pythagoras theorem are also included. Two types of triangles: isosceles and equilateral are also introduced in the chapter.
  • Congruence of Triangle: This is extension of the previous chapter of triangles. It teaches about the concept of congruency of plane figures, angles and triangles and the criteria of congruency.
  • Comparing Quantities: It is the extension of what student has learnt in the past classes. Thetopic includes the ratios and percentages. It teaches about how to convert fractions and decimals into percentages and vice-versa. Profit and loss concept and the simple interest for no. of years is covered under this.
  • Rational Number: It introduces with the rational no.s. The presenting of rational no.s in standard form and on number line. The adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplication of rational no.s is covered in this chapter.
  • Practical Geometry: This is very fascinating chapter as it includes construction of figures. The concept includes the drawing of triangles under various criteria like SAS, ASA and RHS.
  • Perimeter and Area: This topic is the extension of topic covered in class 6. It explains in detail the topic of circumference and area of various figures like square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram and circumference and area of circle.
  • Algebraic Expression: It introduces the concept of monomials, binomials, trinomials and polynomials and adding and subtracting of algebraic expressions. 
  • Exponents & Power:It is a typical chapter and explains the concept of exponents and powers and the laws of same. Multiplication and division of powers with same base and exponents is explained.
  • Symmetry: This topic is similar to that of class 6. It includes the symmetry lines of a regular polygon and rotational symmetry.
  • Visualizing Solid Shapes: This chapter introduces students with real world of geometry as it includes 3-D figures and teaches to draw the solids on a plane area.

The above mentioned is the syllabus on maths of class 7. All the above chapters are in NCERT book. For extra study material or preparation students can go through the CLASS 7 MATHS WORKSHEETS available in the market.

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